Monday, June 27, 2011

Norwegian Epic

In Barcelona we boarded the Norwegian Epic which is a new cruise ship just completed last year. The cabins were nice and ours even had a bath tub. Taking a cruise in Europe is really like being in some sort of strange American hotel. All the food, drinks and entertainment were focused on American tastes. 

We primarily just wanted to do shore excursions so we relaxed on board the ship instead of taking part in any activities or shows. We did however see Blue Man Group one night. We had no idea what this was so we thought it would be silly. It was silly but entertaining.

Tree houses at Placa de Catalunya

I did a little research and found out that the squatters in the Placa de Catalunya are part of a nationwide protest to raise awareness of jobs and housing issues. A search on youtube brings up many police brutality incidents that occurred just a couple of weeks before we arrived. The protesters are passively resisting while the police pick an easy victim, usually beating women on the side of the legs with a baton or grabbing a lanky skinny man and trying to carry him out of the square. In any case, the police gave up and most of the protesters are gone leaving just the squatters to set up a self governing community.

We also saw a "pride parade" while we were in Barcelona. This was right outside our Hotel so we could watch from our windows and from the roof.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


We flew Air Canada to get to Barcelona including a flight from Denver to Montreal on a plane that had seat-back entertainment, standard power outlets and USB power outlets for every seat. We briefly had the exit row until the flight attendants made us move based on the boys ages. When I selected seats online they were supposed to be 2 rows ahead of the exit row but I guess they didn't have this new plane in their system yet.

In Barcelona we began the process of getting over the jet-lag. First we slept all day before finding out we were missing one swimming suit. We just forgot to pack it. There was a pool on the roof of the hotel but not really enough sun to swim by the time we woke up around 6 PM. I had planned to get up early and lay in the sun all day.

It's a pretty standard thing as a traveler that a certain amount of time is taken up with problem solving. Something that isn't a big deal in your hometown becomes a difficult task in another country. Our Amazing Race task for the day was to find a place to buy a swimsuit in the center of Barcelona. The hotel staff directed us to a crowded area of the city around Placa de Catalunya where I was almost certain we wouldn't be able to buy one. This is an area with lots of boutique stores selling shoes, dresses and handbags. I thought I found a department store but it was more like a Tower Records store. We had difficulty finding a way out of the store without going through the checkout.

Finally I spotted a Zippy Kidstore that at first looked promising, then, not so much. It was an expensive looking store with mostly cute clothes for 3 year old girls. One hook by the entrance inexplicably had boys size 12 swimsuits. It was just like the Amazing Race, we had found the needle in the haystack. I was worried about how much it would cost but it ended up being only 5 Euros.

Placa de Catalunya had some unusual tents and permanent looking tree-houses made from found materials. We saw a guy climb up a rope to get into one. I need to get more information on this. Is it an art installation commenting on affordable housing or squatters building a kind of Dignity Village in the center of the city? There were various other tents pitched around the square also. Maybe I'll get pictures later, not for poverty porn's sake, but because those tree-houses looked very cool. I wanted to go inside too. It was an interesting juxtaposition of expensive shopping next to a squatters village. Or maybe it wasn't. Random traveling first impressions are almost always wrong.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Countdown to Summer Travel

Just a few more weeks until we leave on our Summer traveling.

So why do a blog about our travels? It always seems like we're not going to do anything very interesting but in the end we have some amazing experiences. I've thought about doing a blog before to document our travel hardships but always thought it might put a hex on the trip and cause it to not be as much fun. It also seems like bragging but I like reading other peoples travel blogs so maybe it's really giving back. At least I'm not opening a Jitters account!

This is my first shot at a blog and it seems that blogs are kind of old news so that's why I'm doing it now. I've become a late-adopter these days. Too many years of trying to get computers to do things they weren't ready for has left me jaded with any computer action that doesn't happen automatically and completely without hurdles. Luckily these blog websites seem to be a mature technology now. I'll sign up for Guybook when The Social Network VI is in theaters.

This is called the Random Family Travel Blog because we usually have a few vague ideas about what we might do, a hand-full of confirmed airline reservations, and a few hotel printouts and sort of wing the rest of it in a random fashion. This year we will visit Barcelona and Olot Spain, some cities in Italy, Prague and Florida.

Now let me try to add a few images from last year.